Estate Planning for Farmers in Iowa: Protecting Your Legacy

Estate planning is crucial for any individual, but it takes on additional significance for farmers in Iowa. Farming is not just a job but a way of life that often spans multiple generations. Protecting your farm, ensuring it remains in your family, and providing for your loved ones after you are gone requires careful planning and consideration.

Understanding Estate Planning

Estate planning is a proactive process that provides peace of mind by ensuring that an individual’s wishes are followed, their assets are protected, and their loved ones are provided for. It involves a combination of legal, financial, and tax planning strategies designed to address the goals and unique needs of the individual, ensuring a smooth and orderly transfer of assets.

Key Components of an Estate Plan for Farmers


A will is a central document in any estate plan, especially for farmers. It specifies how farmland, equipment, livestock, and other personal assets will be distributed among heirs. This ensures that the farm and its various components are passed on according to the farmer’s wishes.

The will selects an executor to manage and settle the estate, who is ideally familiar with farming operations and can handle the unique aspects of an agricultural business. For farmers with minor children, the will can designate guardians to care for them, ensuring their well-being and continuity of upbringing in line with the family’s values.


Trusts offer several advantages for farmers by providing a flexible and effective way to manage and distribute assets. Revocable living trusts allow farmers to retain control over their assets during their lifetime while specifying management and distribution after death, thus avoiding probate. Irrevocable trusts, although requiring the farmer to give up control over the assets placed in the trust, can protect those assets from creditors and estate taxes. Additionally, special use valuation trusts are designed to reduce estate taxes by valuing the farmland based on its agricultural use rather than its potential development value, preserving the farm’s legacy.

Succession Planning

Succession planning is essential for ensuring the continued operation of the farm. This involves selecting and preparing the next generation to take over farm operations, which may include training, mentoring, and gradually transferring management responsibilities. Establishing business structures such as partnerships, LLCs, or corporations can facilitate the transfer of ownership and management. These structures provide liability protection and make the transition smoother, ensuring that the farm remains operational and within the family.

Powers of Attorney

Granting powers of attorney is crucial for maintaining farm operations if the farmer becomes incapacitated. The financial power of attorney allows a preselected and trusted individual to handle financial affairs, including managing bank accounts, paying bills, and making business decisions. This ensures that the farm’s financial obligations are met and operations continue without disruption. A health care power of attorney gives another the power to make medical decisions on the farmer’s behalf, ensuring their health care wishes are respected and providing peace of mind during critical times.

Life Insurance

Life insurance can be an important part of estate planning for farmers that offers financial security for the family and the farm. It provides the necessary funds to pay off any outstanding debts, ensuring the farm remains solvent and can continue operations. Life insurance can also help to pay estate taxes, preventing the need to sell farm assets to pay the tax bill. Life insurance offers income replacement and provides financial support to help survivors maintain their standard of living.

Special Considerations for Iowa Farmers

Estate and Inheritance Taxes

Iowa has no state estate tax and passed legislation in 2021 to phase out the inheritance tax. The inheritance tax gradually diminishes each year until being completely phased out in 2025. Proper planning can minimize potential tax burdens on your heirs.

Valuation of Farm Assets

Accurately valuing your farm assets, including land, equipment, and livestock, is essential. This helps determine the overall worth of your estate and ensures fair distribution among heirs.

Conservation Easements

Conservation easements can help preserve farmland for future generations, aligning with a farmer’s desire to maintain agricultural use.

These legal agreements restrict land use to agricultural purposes, protecting it from development and ensuring it remains farmland.

Conservation easements also offer significant tax benefits by reducing the estate’s overall value and lowering estate taxes. This not only preserves the farm’s legacy but also provides financial advantages, making it a valuable tool in estate planning for farmers.

Steps to Start Your Estate Plan

1. Consult with professionals who can help create a comprehensive plan tailored to your unique situation.

2. Compile a detailed list of all your assets, liabilities, deeds, titles, insurance policies, and financial accounts.

3. Discuss your plans with your family to ensure everyone understands your wishes and the reasons behind your decisions. This can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts later on.

4. Regularly review and update your estate plan to reflect any changes in your situation, such as births, deaths, marriages, or changes in tax laws.

Preserve Your Farmland and Family’s Future with Experienced Legal Guidance

Estate planning for farmers in Iowa is a complex but essential process. Creating a comprehensive plan ensures that your farm remains a thriving operation for future generations. Protect your legacy, provide for your loved ones, and ensure the continued success of your farming enterprise by starting your estate planning today. At Scott Shoemaker & Associates, we specialize in estate planning tailored specifically for farmers. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities of agricultural estates and are committed to providing you with personalized and comprehensive solutions. Contact Scott Shoemaker & Associates at 319-804-8346 to schedule a consultation and begin creating a plan that safeguards your family’s future.